
Aisi Christie-Atiti has over six (6) years work experience and is an environmental biologist with a remarkable interest in the effects of energy systems on the ecosystem. She is also very passionate about gender inclusion in global energy conversations. Aisi leads the Energy Transition and GESI Unit of EMRC. She supports the development and implementation of various climate action programs.

Aisi is also an adept research and communications expert. She produced the Ladies in Africa Developing Innovative Energy Solutions (LADIES) documentary series, which can be found online, and has project managed and led various podcast series on energy-focused themes such as hydrogen, health systems through renewable energy, electricity distribution tariffs and losses experienced, electricity access and the state of Africa’s transition plan.

Before she joined EMRC she was the Project Lead and Chief Editor for the Nextier Enlight Series Publication for National dailies.

She holds a BSc in Animal and Environmental Biology from the University of Benin, Nigeria.